Автомобильное путешествие из Санкт-Петербурга в Киев

Поездка на майские праздники. Автопутешествие по Украине
  • connectionsnyt
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    С нами с 29 апр
    15 июн, 12:54
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  • hardiky6453
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    С нами с 24 мая
    22 июн, 16:21
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  • Lindarose
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    С нами с 20 июл
    20 июл, 14:50
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    С нами с 20 июл
    20 июл, 14:51
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  • Finnnleee
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    С нами с 20 июл
    20 июл, 14:57
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  • Finnnleee
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    С нами с 20 июл
    28 июл, 13:01
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    The city prospered again during the industrial revolution of the Russian Empire in the late 19th century. In 1917, [url=https://facebook.com]Premium social networks[/url]
    after the Ukrainian National Republic declared independence from the Russian Empire, Kyiv became its capital. From 1921 onwards, Kyiv was an important city of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and from 1934 was the capital of this republic. During World War II, the city was damaged again but quickly recovered in the years after the war, becoming the third largest city in the Soviet Union. A place with a long-standing and very special cultural civilization, come and experience the interesting customs here.
  • Finnnleee
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    С нами с 20 июл
    28 июл, 13:01
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