12 материалов по 14 объектам, 168 фотографий
- Швеция, Björkholmen Galgamarken-Trossö Карлскруна Швеция
Björkholm, original area of Karskrona
Этот совет является частью дневника «Набережные, пляжи, бухты, заливы»

The Björkholmen district is located on the island of Tross — the "heart" of the city of Karlskrona. [youtube]vMmrazLtvBs[/youtube]
It's a pity we weren't ready to meet such an original district and limited ourselves to a walk along the shore of the bay...
Stroll through charming cottages and narrow streets and breathe in the spirit of antiquity. Here, the first workers of the shipyard built their houses, and they say that most of the wood was obtained from the fleet! The streets are named after the types of ships and admirals. Listen to the real Karlskrona dialect, called the Björkholm dialect, because it's precisely here that they talk more. Here you can listen to stories in this "wild" and rich diphthong language! Enjoy the view of Saltosunn and boats passing by. — so recommends a walk here site visitkarlskrona.se/sv/bjorkho…
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