- Мексика, Carretera a Palenque Zona Arqueologica, km 8 29960 Palenque, Chis. Мексика
Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque (UNESCO#411)
Этот совет является частью дневника «Объекты Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО»
In 1987, the Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List at number 411.
The archaeological site of Palenque in the state of Chiapas is one of the most outstanding Classic period sites of the Maya area, known for its exceptional and well conserved architectural and sculptural remains. The elegance and craftsmanship of the construction, as well as the lightness of the sculpted reliefs illustrating Mayan mythology, attest to the creative genius of this civilization.
The city was founded during the Late Preclassic, which corresponds to the beginning of the Christian era. Its first inhabitants probably migrated from other sites in the nearby region. They always shared the cultural features which define the Maya culture, as well as a level of development that allowed them to adapt to the natural environment. After several centuries, ca. 500 A.D., the city rose to be a powerful capital within a regional political unit. Without a buffer zone the total area of the archeological site is 1780 hectares, 09 areas and 49 square meters and 1,400 buildings have been recorded, of which only about 10% have been explored.
- Адрес:
Carretera a Palenque Zona Arqueologica, km 8
29960 Palenque,
Дешёвый ✈️ по направлению Паленке
- 4 июн 2023, 20:48удалитьПока не увидел Тикаль и Калакмуль, для меня Паленке был самым красивым городом майя. Но даже увидев их я был бы в затруднении кого поставить на первое место
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