Дворец Али Капу / Ali Qapu Palace
- Иран, Imam square, Isfahan
Ali Qapu Palace — imperial palace in Isfahan (UNESCO # 115)
Этот совет является частью дневников «Объекты Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО», «Дворцы и замки, усадьбы и имения»
Ali Qapu is rich in naturalistic wall paintings by Reza Abbasi, the court painter of Shah Abbas I, and his pupils. There are floral, animal, and bird motifs in his works. The highly ornamented doors and windows of the palace have almost all been pillaged at times of social anarchy. Under the reign of Naser ad-Din Shah the Qajar (1848–96), the Safavid cornices and floral tiles above the portal were replaced by tiles bearing inscriptions.
The terrace of the palace offers the best views of the luxurious Meidan Emam.
- Адрес:
Meidan Emam, Esfahan
Дешёвый ✈️ по направлению Исфахан